Welcome to Takako Uno Marine Stock Photo Library

An Ocean Odyssey, a book by Stephen Wong & Takako Uno, features some of the couple’s finest wide blue images of the sea. This publication documents their watery journey and their quest to capture glimpses of the pelagic inhabitants of the sea, their special moments and their relationships with the Ocean that perpetually shapes our life. 混沌とした情報過多の時代を生きぬく過程で、「自分を解き放ちたい」と感じることはない
だろうか?‘Blue’ それは平和・真実の象徴。まるで蒼茫たる大自然のなかに身を置いた心地
となる新しいスタイルの写真集「An Ocean Odyssey」。スティーブン・ウォンと宇野貴子が