Takako Uno Marine Stock Photo Library, www.takakouno.com


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Takako Uno is a full time marine photojournalist and now based in Hong Kong.  She has left bubbles in many places of the world, including her native country, Japan.


Background, Experience & Published Works

Co-author of marine coffee table books: “An Ocean Odyssey” & “Gorontalo Hidden Paradise”, Takako’s images have also appeared in dozens of books and photo exhibitions (incl. “BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year” at Natural History Museum, “Ocean Views” at Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History & “Secret Lives of Seahorses” at Monterey Bay Aquarium).  Her works have grazed over a hundred journals, including National Geographic, National Geographic Explorer, BBC Wildlife, Tauchen & Nature’s Best Photography.  In addition to her 30-plus awards in international photo contests (incl. BBC Wildlife, Marine Photo Japan Grand Prix, Nature’s Best Photography), Takako has discovered 4 new species of Nudibranchs, with one being named as ‘Takako’s Trapania’ & another one as ‘Uno’s Trapania’.


In Mar 2009, Takako has been inducted as member of the prestigious “Ocean Artists Society”, founded by Wyland, Talbot & Harvey.


Takako Uno now journeys with husband and Hong Kong marine photojournalist, Stephen Wong (www.stephenwong.com), on locations making her own images and sometimes modeling for Stephen.

Photo Epilogue

“I am merely an observer of the marine environment, either with or without a camera. There is so much to see in this aquatic biosphere, and to understand the intricate relationships amongst its elements.  The behavior, the diversity and the myth of the animals fascinate me immensely.  I only wish I’d have more time to explore these wonders of our sea”



Takako Uno




All images and text copyright © Takako Uno